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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Benefits Cow Milk

Familiarize themselves consume susu in the morning, in addition to making the body more fit, you also have the spare energy to beraktivitas throughout the day. Since each 100 gram susu kilokalori contain 70.5, 3.4 grams protein, 3.7 grams fat and 125 milligram of calcium.

If viewed from susu Percentage of absorption in the body of 98% -100%, only if reasonable susu sapi been used as the vitamins it. Where are vitamins B2 and A, protein and various amino acids are important for body growth.

Let others see the benefits of the susu cattle, in addition to the white blood that help the body's health. Among them:

- There is uterus potassium, which is capable menggerakan wall of blood vessel at the time of blood pressure escalate, thus keeping them stable. Meanwhile also able to reduce the danger caused apopleksi. And can prevent high blood diseases and diseases of the heart that often chastise anyone regardless of age.

- Each of us absorb food per day, many of the womb that may be dangerous to the body, including such toxic metals, lead and cadmium from other food, well, here the role as a drug for susu menetralisir it all.

- Other womb with fat contained in the type of foods that tend to be dangerous because of the increased cholesterol, fat here in the womb susu able to strengthen the resistance function of nerve growth and prevent the occurrence of tumor cells in the body.

- Milk is also a womb tyrosine hormone that can stimulate excitement.

- Milk can also improve the working efficiency of the brain, uterus with iodine, zinc and leticin within it.

- In addition to good health for the body, also consume susu can still make you appear attractive, because it is able to make the skin look shining womb with iron, copper and vitamin A.

- Since early in order not to keep the bones brittle quickly, shrink and fracture, should diligently rajinlah-susu consume, because the womb of high calcium found in milk.

- Working the heart and nervous to be working quite intense, with the magnesium matrix is in the making susu resistant to fatigue.

- For you that are difficult to sleep, consumption of a glass of milk before bed your body is able to make quick terlelap.

- Vitamin B2 owned susu sapi power to make your vision sem


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