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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Men forced to play "game" .

Men forced to play "game"

Many men happy to play "game" computer because they have a "tendency that has been entrenched for over-rooted." As a news site reported daily Telegraph, a research revealed that gender differences may be the reason why men are more interested main "game" than women. Scanning showed that the play "game" will enable the male brain that are associated with feeling valued and addicted. The more opponents, and they lose more and more points will be making part of the brain inflame.

What's with the forced sex free?

What's with the forced sex free?

Evaluation of the National Commission on AIDS shows only 35% of male commercial sex is like wearing a condom. "If you use a condom consistently only 60%, the new AIDS cases due to commercial sex will go down dramatically," said Secretary of the National AIDS Commission Nafsiah Mboi.

The male commercial sex is not like wearing condoms. While 50 million women in Asia are infected with HIV came from a husband who like the commercial sex. But Nafsiah noted the use of condoms among commercial sex workers based on behavioral data Biological Integrated Surveillance (IBBS), an increase of 25% (2002) to 34.8% (2007). According to this progress is good, although the key is in the willingness of men to use condoms.

The number of AIDS patients from the transmission is dominated by sex and the use of shared syringe.

So let us realize the danger and taku AIDS infected.
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