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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Reveals Lung Cancer Symptoms

Lung CancerYou often cough? Very often so without ceasing, even to bleed? Also shortness of breath, fever, and weight loss? If yes, do not say anything. Do not underestimate these things. That could be a symptom of lung cancer, the silent killer that is still difficult to cure.

The lungs are internal organs of the respiratory system and referred to in the air-breathing vertebrates kitara system. Lung function in oxygen exchange of carbon dioxide from the blood system with the help of hemoglobin. This process is known as respiration or breathing. The lungs are located inside the chest cavity, protected by the bony structure and there are rare as pleural lining of the wall containing the pleural fluid.

Lung cancer is a tumor that grows in the lungs are largely derived from cells in the lungs. But lung cancer can also come from cancer in other body parts that spread to the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in both men and women. This cancer is also one major cause of cancer deaths.

"Rarely people affected by this disease can last for years. At least one year. Lung cancer is not like a cancer in general is still treatable.

More than 90 percent of lung disease originated from bronchitis or airways into the lungs. These cancers can be called karisnoma squamous cell, small cell or karisnoma karisnoma wheat cell, large cell kasrinoma, and adenokarnoma. Karisnoma alveolar cells derived from the alveoli in the lungs. This cancer can be a single growth. But often attack more than one area of the lung. But not all cancers or tumors that can be found, there are some lung cancers are less common, among others, adenoma, namely benign cancers, and sarcomas are classified as malignant cancer.

Meanwhile, the lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph system which can be derived from the lung or is spread from another organ. Many cancers that originated elsewhere that spread to the lungs. This cancer usually comes from the breast, colon, prostate, kidney, thyroid, stomach, cervix, rectum, testicles, bones and skin.

"It is also one of the biggest causes of people affected by lung cancer because of cigarette smoke, both passive and active," explained Prof Dr Faisal. As many as 90 percent of men affected by lung disease from smoking, and about 70 percent suffered by women. The more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk of lung cancer.

Only a small proportion of lung cancer or roughly about 10-15 per cent in men and 5 percent in women are caused by substances that are found or is inhaled in the workplace. "Usually hereditary factors also may increase the lung cancer.

Air pollution as a cause of lung cancer, especially adenokarisinoma and alveolar cell carcinoma occur in people who already have lung scarring due to other pulmonary diseases, such as tuberculosis and fibrosis.

Some symptoms that can be seen and felt from lung cancer, among other things, shortness of breath, persistent cough, coughing out blood, chest pain, wheezing, fever, and weight loss. Usually these symptoms only emerge when the cancer reaches the final stage, which means that smokers will not be aware that he had cancer since a young age. Symptoms of lung diseases that often occur in the society is usually a long coughing in people who smoke, difficulty breathing, the sound has changed from the usual, and cough for more than two weeks in people who do not smoke.

Period of people affected by lung cancer is about 10-15 years. If since the age of 15 years people have been smoking, possibly at the age of 35 or 40 years old man suffering from lung cancer. The diagnosis of lung cancer based on the type of cell types, and signs enough. One way that can be used is to consume antioxidants are compounds that can neutralize free radicals by protecting the body's cells, especially the lungs. But this is a last resort and not a treatment that is 100 percent inhibit or prevent cancer. This is only to reduce cancer risk.

There are several antioxidants that can be consumed, such as Vitamins A, C and E in the form of food supplements. These antioxidants protect the lungs against damage by oxidation and fracture (fr). Some foods such as soy, tofu, tempe, and genistein oncom also contain compounds that are antioxidants and anti-solid tumor, which can stimulate the immune system. Mechanism of action is to stimulate recovery in the recovery of tumor cells into normal cells, especially in lung cancer. Green tea contains bioflavonoids which Epi-Catechin Gallat Gallo is also the strongest antioxidant activity 10 times stronger than vitamin C.

There are several types of treatment for this disease, such as by surgery, chemo and radiation therapy. This type of treatment tailored to the type of cancer, the rate of expansion or spread at the time of diagnosis, and the overall health condition of the patient. Surgery is the primary treatment measures in the early stages of cancer. Patients who undergo surgery can not be switched to radio therapy.

Cure rates of lung cancer is still very good if it is still at an early stage. The problem is extremely rare cancer is detected at this point. If cancer cells have spread to other areas, the choice of treatment is chemo therapy and radio therapy. If cancer is blocking the main air flow, can be used lasers to freeze the tumor or keep open the flow of air with a tube.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Aspirin Inhibition of Breast Cancer

AspirinRecent studies involving 4,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer showed that aspirin consumption is proven to increase survival and reduce recurrence.

"About 50 percent of women with breast cancer who take aspirin, less likely to die than those who do not consume," said principal investigator Dr. Michelle Holmes, who is also professor of epidemiology at Harvard Medical School and School of Public Health, Boston, United States, such as reported by Health Day. This research was published online on 16 February in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Broadly speaking, the light of Holmes, for women who took aspirin more in a week will have a higher life expectancy. This is done by comparing the aspirin users and what does not. For example, patients in a period of healing who take aspirin for 6-7 days a week, they will have a 64 percent reduction in risk of death.

Meanwhile, those who took aspirin for 2-5 days a week, with a variety of different reasons-even would have reduced the risk of death to 71 percent. However, the most important is the data 50 percent reduction in overall risk. This study did not include the dose taken, but the only time in a week usage.

The use of aspirin in the same way also able to reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence. "Even him by surprise, this is a strong effect of aspirin," said Holmes. Although he admits this is only the study by means of observation, not a definitive determination of cause and effect.

How aspirin can reduce the recurrence, Holmes did not know exactly. However, recent research is consistent with several previous studies. "We appreciate very well that cancer is a disease of inflammation and aspirin is anti-inflammatory drugs," he said. The researchers speculate, aspirin possibility of lowering the hormone estrogen in the blood or prevent the spread of early cancer.

For this study, Holmes and colleagues evaluated the use of aspirin among women at least one year after being diagnosed with breast cancer. The woman, diagnosed with stage 1, 2 or 3 breast cancer between 1976 and 2002. All these women were participants of the Nurses Health Study program.

During the research process, until the death of a woman in June 2006, 341 women died of breast cancer and 400 people because of recurrence or other metastatic disease. However, Holmes asserted aspirin will never be a drug recommended for treatment of cancer.

Aspirin also causes negative side effects in some aspects. "It (the consumption of aspirin) can cause GI tract bleeding in patients," he said. Currently, it needs further study about the results of this study. But, he added, when a woman suffering from breast cancer and taking aspirin for other reasons (such as bone pain or pain), he will feel comfortable when he knows can prevent breast cancer does not become severe.

"This is the largest study specifically the use of aspirin and breast cancer recurrence and patient survival," said Eric Jacobs, Director of Pharmacy epidemiology in the American Cancer Society. Previous research has produced findings that more widespread and not specific.

"The results of this study was interesting, there are some important warning," said Jacobs. As well as Holmes said, he noted that these findings do not prove cause and effect. "As a noted researcher of this study, do not talk about aspirin during chemotherapy because it may be inspired by the success of cancer patients who continue to survive. Do not get your hopes up too high against the use of aspirin, "said Jacobs.

Both Holmes and Jacobs agree that it is too early to tell breast cancer patients who survive because taking aspirin, with the aim of reducing breast cancer recurrence or avoid death. According to them, the patient must communicate with the doctor more about what is best for their treatment process.

Breast cancer is the most common known women. Every year more than 250,000 new cases diagnosed in Europe and more than 175,000 in the United States. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2000 an estimated 1.2 million women diagnosed with breast cancer, and more than 700,000 of them died.

The cause of breast cancer itself has not been known, but there are some risk factors that cause a woman to be more likely to suffer from breast cancer, including age above 60 years, had suffered from breast cancer, family history, genetic and hormonal factors, menarche (menstruation first) before the age of 12, menopause after age 55 years, first pregnancy after age 30 years or had never been pregnant, use birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy, postmenopausal obesity and alcohol.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Natural Ways to Keep Vagina Moist

health, vagina

Are you including the woman who diligently clean the vagina with a particular chemical?

Are you including women who are afraid to eat pineapple, cucumber, and banana for believing in the idea that these fruits will make the area around the vagina wet?

Are you including women in business such that the area around the vagina is always dry?

Did you know that the wall of the vagina and cervix produce secretions that are white or slightly yellowish? Did you know that this secretion is normal and healthy sign of the area around the vagina?

Taste and smell of vaginal secretion is also varied, according to the menstrual cycle and the level of stimulation received by a woman. In a book called Our Sexuality by Robert Crooks and diffuse Carla mentioned, in a study of man stink concluded during ovulation vaginal secretion is more fun than other times of the monthly cycle.

Natural chemistry of the vagina and balanced amount of bacteria is very important to get a healthy mucosa. Natural chemical that is normally slightly acidic, with pH 4.0 to 5.0.

Due Wash Vagina

* A variety of factors can interfere with this natural chemical balance and cause problems in the vagina.

The most the cause is too often a woman washing (to dry the inside of the vagina) and use liquid or spray cleaner womanhood area.

Negative cultural view of women's sexual organs, plus a variety of misleading advertising, has made the women so hard getting to the area around the vagina in a dry state, by cleaning or removing the humidity and the secretion of the actual amount and it smelled normal, for the benefit of business alone.

However, frequent washing of the vagina can cause the natural chemical balance in the vaginal area disturbed. As a result, incidence of infection increased.

Various sprays or cleaning fluids can cause vaginal irritation, allergic reactions, infection, burning, blisters on the thigh, and various other problems. Actually, really only needed a clean shower, including the groin area, use regular soap.

Vaginal Infections
* If the natural balance of the area around the vagina disrupted, foreign organisms enter, vaginal infections (vaginitis) may occur.

Various factors can increase the likelihood of these infections, including antibiotic use, heat and wet due to the use and nylon underwear, stress, high-carbohydrate diet, and hormonal changes of pregnancy or contraceptive pill use, chemical irritation, and without first coitus occurred lubrication ( vaginal intercourse during the dry).

In general, concerned a woman can feel the signs of vaginal infection. Include itching and irritation in the vagina and vulva, unusual odor, and pus.

Here are some suggestions to prevent vaginal infections without using drugs:
1. Eat a balanced nutritional method, low-sugar.
2. Maintain general health by getting enough sleep, exercise, emotional stress release.
3. Hygiene on a regular basis with:

* A) bathe regularly use a mild soap;
* B) drying the body with a towel and front to back (from the vulva to the anus);
* C) wear clean underwear in cotton (nylon is too keep the heat and cause excessive moisture that encourages the growth of bacteria);
* D) avoid the use of cleaning fluids or vaginal sprays, colored toilet paper, bubble bath, and towel belonged to someone else;
* E) ensure that the hands and genitals of your sexual partner is clean and healthy.

4. Make sure that you have experienced lubrication (wet) in nature prior to the insertion. If you can not naturally, use water-soluble lubricant.
5. Use a condom during sexual intercourse, especially if you do not believe that yourself or your partner is only related to the same person.

To examine the area around the vagina itself is recommended, so you immediately know if there is infection or not. Usually the color changes occurring in the area around the vagina becomes more red, sometimes with a dreadful smell and itching.

Go to a doctor of obstetrics-gynecology, if you suspect something unusual happened in the area around the genitals. Ask the examination and explanation of what happened, and how to handle it. Do not let the infection get worse. There your sexual partner should participate examined, who knows he really become a source of vaginal infection, whereas only every time you catch him.

How to Optimize Erection

health body, optimize erection

If you are currently thinking that to optimize sexual function depends on the proper consumption of supplements, then you can not be blamed for the shops that sell a variety of supplements called shops "nutrition" is flourishing today and various topics on the internet about optimization sexual function is dominated by sites that sell hundreds of types of supplements, starting from arginine, DHEA, to yohimbe.

Various topics on the internet about this too has deviated from the original goal. They not only provide information about supplements to improve sexual function, such as yohimbe, Viagra, and dopamine, but also filled with other types of supplemental information that is more like advertising than terlhat health information services and often you will be deceived about this.

The first step should be taken to improve sexual function if you really care about these things that will stop smoking, if you're a smoker. Nicotine is one of the content of substance in cigarettes that can cause narrowing of blood vessels in the long term. In the meantime you need when erect is growing blood vessels so that blood flow to be smooth, not a narrowing of blood vessels or increased blood pressure. Nicotine can interfere with body functions and play a role in crippling genital erectile ability.

Other toxins that must be avoided to improve sexual function, namely coffee and anything that contains caffeine. Like nicotine, caffeine also causes constriction of blood vessels and inhibits blood flow to the corpus cavernosum (this affects erection, because the more blood flow so smoothly erection will last much better). You should also know that caffeine is not only contained in coffee but also in thick drinks, like Coca Cola and caffeine are added to soft drinks and even orange-flavored soft drinks though. It is your decision if you continue to consume beverages that contain caffeine, although you know the impact on your health, but is not responsible if you get used to the kids to consume beverages that contain caffeine, because it can disrupt sleep patterns of children and makes them easy to become nervous .

Other materials that have a close relationship with caffeine is theobromine, this material can be found in tea and chocolate. If you want to test to make sure how toxic chocolate, give a small dog to eat as many as 100 or 200 grams of chocolate bars. I'm sure the dog would not survive in this experiment.

Caffeine should not be consumed while using yohimbe because obviously worsen the side effects caused by yohimbe, namely tachycardia (accelerated heart rate) and Palpitations (pounding heart).

Optimize sexual function is a joint effort consisting of avoidance of factors that can damage health, exercise and specific exercises for the penis, taking nutrition and proper supplementation with an appropriate dose (to avoid excess doses), undergoing a number of treatments, to donate blood, examining how to choose the right partner, and if possible, avoid other things that are considered harmful to health.


The greater part of men do not realize that food can affect sexual function unless they have the knowledge in this field. But the fact is, food can greatly affect sexual function compared to the substances sold as supplements generating sexual function.

Nuts have a high nutrient content and is recognized to increase sexual function. The nutrients contained in nuts are: vitamin E, amino acids arginine, zinc, and type phytoestrogen lignans secoisolariciresinol.

Vitamin E may help to widen blood vessels, although in this case a very small effect.

Arginine is an amino acid used by the body to form nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide serves as the main neurotransmitters that facilitate the occurrence of an erection. In theory, pure arginine if taken as nutritional supplements should be able to help erectile function, but the supplements did not seem to work properly. I have tried myself to consume arginine in various doses (up to twenty grams per day). I have used in small or large doses, a few hours before sex and I also try to consume the recommended dose every day, but arginine supplementation is not effective. Worse possibility is pure arginine supplementation can lead to counterproductive. Sometimes I feel that arginine supplementation can interfere with erections or more difficult than the easier the occurrence of erections.

This convinced me that something was wrong with the way the aginine consume health supplements synthesis.

Let's take another example for comparison, the mineral selenium. You can consume as a synthesis of selenium in capsule form, or you can meet kebetuhan selenium from nuts, especially from brazil nuts. You obviously just can overdose of selenium supplementation if consumed in capsule form, but if you're taking selenium in the same amount but it comes from brazil nuts, then the adverse side effects will not show up, where it was proven that synthetic supplements consumed felt unwise.

Similarly, vitamin E and vitamin C. Consuming vitamin E and vitamin C are derived from nuts and fruit much better than consumed in the form of synthesis. You will not find much information that explains this in the Internet, because the profits from the sale of fruits and nuts on the internet is very much lower than the pack in the form of lower quality supplements. Ninety-eight percent of the supplements sold on the Internet are products that are not useful. They only heal the merchant profitability alone.

Nuts are also a source of zinc are needed to maintain hormonal balance and play a role in semen production process. Other foods that can be consumed to meet the needs of the mineral zinc are shellfish, especially oysters, or animal offal, such as the liver. But shellfish and organ meats are often contaminated, so dangerous for consumption. Consuming zinc from nuts or capsule supplements, preferably obtained from food that can be measured levels.

It is recommended you should also be wary phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogen isoflavonoid skeleton, may damage sexual function. But besides that, there is a kind of secoisolariciresinol that phytoestrogens can have a positive effect on male sexual. These hormones are bound to sex hormone binding simple protein (SHBG, Sex Hormone Binding globulin). As a developing theory, bond secoisolariciresinol SHBG with testosterone led to the release so that more bonds will secoisolariciresinol SHBG with the more testosterone "free" in the body of a man. Only the hormone testosterone which is not bound to spur increased libido effects and sexual function.

I know that food enriched with nuts may help sexual function where it is in accordance with the observations that I have done. While I can not determine with certainty whether more beans contain more vitamin E, arginine, zinc, or secoisolariciresinol, or a combination of these four ingredients, or even the basic elements common to the other in the nuts.

I like to eat wheat, over the years I've consumed wheat. I believe that wheat is a healthy food. I'm not so sure the effects of consuming wheat on sexual function, but I wanted to share with readers some of the following information is taken from the web site Advanced Herbals (a quotation that is only associated with wheat and sexual function):

"Apart from being high in the Essential Nutrients, protein, Carbohydrate, some vitamins and fiber and being highly nutritious, a number of extremely interesting chemicals have been found in oats. The most interesting substances in oats are the steroids. A steroid, such as the male hormone testosterone, is defined by its chemical structure - to be a steroid molecule it has to have a particular basic four-ring structure. Any chemical with this basic four-ring structure is a steroid ...

"So how does Avena improve my sex life? The sex drive of both men and women is related to the level of testosterone (the male hormone) circulating in the blood stream. Women also produce testosterone, but in much lower levels than men. However , this situation is complicated by the fact that testosterone is carried around the body by specific carrier proteins. Most of testosterone is bound to the carrier called SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) and only about two percent is floating freely through your system. It is the free testosterone that is responsible for firing your libido. If you could free more testosterone you would have a higher sex drive.

"The way SHBG binds to testosterone is very specific - SHBG binds only with steroids. It recognizes the shape of the testosterone molecule and snaps it up. We have more than enough look-alikes of testosterone floating around in oats to confuse the SHBG. When you take oats, you flood your blood stream testosterone with these look-alikes. Some of these get picked up by the circulating SHBG, allowing more "real" testosterone to remain free and active. "

You'll be more careful to get excess calories from carbohydrates or fat from the protein consumed in excess, whereas foods containing too much protein can increase the expenditure of testosterone through the urine.

Cabbage vegetable

Vegetables are included in the group of cabbage (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli) have proven to have positive effects on the metabolism of estrogen hormone. These vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of the formation of cancer cells, including prostate cancer and can prevent heart attacks. Content of substances in these vegetables can prevent the domination of estrogen in the body. The main estrogen hormone found in men and women is estradiol, the hormone is synthesized from testosterone. When he became an adult, there are more trends that changed the hormone testosterone into estradiol than when they were young. This is believed to be the cause of decline in strength and sexual function in adult men.

Active ingredient in a vegetable cabbage is indole-3-carbinol and in-indolylmethane. Now many sites on the Internet that sell indole-3-carbinol and in-indolylmethane as food supplements, but I believe that eating more vegetables is healthy and wise choices.

In order for sexual function can work properly, then you must be healthy as a whole. I recommend to you to make a healthy diet. Only in one aspect I am deviating from the rules, which I assume that what is healthy in general is also good for sexual function. In this case I prefer a diet containing three eggs a day for better health.

I have found that the eggs are foods that can help improve sexual function, I support the statement with a view of society in general and solid science. I do not need to explain in detail how the general public's view about this because in any area, the egg has been recognized to help sexual prowess for men.

According meenatakan science that not only the yolk contains nearly all the nutrients that are also contained in the multivitamin and mineral, but also contains egg yolk and egg lechitin serve as nutrients to help ejaculation in men (but not the sperm). In fact, according to my observations, egg consumption can help improve sexual function. When I reduce the consumption of eggs from my daily diet, it seems my ejaculate volume decreased. Please note that the ejaculate is not just about the sperm. Here I got from a website. The author's name is not mentioned, and I'm sorry, I do not have the URL of the site.

"Secretions of the glands involved in ejaculation: the volume of the ejaculate is primarily dependent on the secretion of the prostate and the seminal vesicles. The contribution of the Cowper's glands and the epididymis is small, that of the testes (including sperm) even smaller . Prior to ejaculation, 1-2 drops of a colorless clear liquid, the Cowper's glands secretion, first appear. This neutralizes the Acidity of the urethra in preparation for the subsequent growth. Then follows first the Milky prostate secretion, usually free of spermatozoa, then the part containing the spermatozoon, and finally the gelatinous, highly Viscous secretion of the seminal vesicles, often of a tapioca-like consistency. "

True, I know that high yolk cholesterol. But foods that contain cholesterol also a pioneer in the formation of hormones. Partial cholesterol converted to pregnenolone, pregnenolone converted into DHEA, and DHEA is converted into testosterone and estrogen.

The only nutritional supplement that I can trust completely is yohimbe. These supplements are not only used to enhance sexual function only. I believe that yohimbe is the most common supplements underestimated as a stimulant, but given the impact that better than consume coffee or ginseng as an energy supplier, and in appropriate doses to enhance sexual function and desire for anyone, male or female.

Based on my personal opinion, the effect is the use of yohimbe can increase intelligence. For the formation of the body, yohimbe has long been known to improve metabolism and burn more fat in the body. Yohimbe can be helpful to lose weight either in a long time because it can burn fat and in a short time because of yohimbe is a drug that can be carried out urine.

I do not know whether yohimbe included in the list of drugs prohibited for consumption by the athletes they follow sebelm sports competitions, but I know that yohimbe can increase physical stamina is better than testosterone supplementation in any form. My own yohimbe taking twice the dose should be.

I've had moments where the greater part of a supplement is not helpful. In this article, I want to add more specific information about DHEA and androstenedione, where both elements are widely used to increase testosterone levels.

Title: Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone vs androstenedione supplementation in men. Author: Wallace MB; Lim J; Cutler A, Bucci L. Address: Department of Sport Science, LGE Performance Systems, Orlando, FL 32728, USA. Source: Med Sci Sports Exerc, 31 (12) :1788-92 1999 Dec
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of short-term (12 wk) supplementation with androstenedione versus dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on body composition, strength, and related hormones in middle-aged men. METHODS: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind design was used to study 40 healthy, trained (> 1 yr weight training) male subjects (mean + / - SD: age 48.1 + / - 3.9 yr; weight 79.8 + / -- 9.8 kg). Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three groups: placebo (P), DHEA (D), or androstenedione (A). Supplements (50 mg capsules) were ingested two times daily for 12 wk. All testing, including venous blood samples, body composition, and performance, was conducted at three time points: presupplementation (1 d), at 6 wk, and postsupplementation (12 wk). RESULTS: Despite a small increase in lean body mass (0.8 + / - 0.4 and 0.5 + / - 0.3 kg) and the mean strength (6.8 + / - 2.7 and 5.7 + / - 2.4 kg) in both D and A groups respectively, these changes were not significantly different from P. In D, there was a significantly greater increase in DHEA-S levels than in P (P <0.05). style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 255, 51);">SPORT

Regular exercise, especially exercise we do to lose weight, not only good for the cardiovascular system but also good to build muscle and strengthen bones. Exercise also is an appropriate means to maintain high levels of testosterone and testosterone levels were well maintained usually associated with a healthy libido. (More details on the modulation of testosterone, please see my domain and

Donate blood is a good way, not only for reasons to help others but also benefit the health of the body, especially the health of sexual function.

Very many men who feel themselves healthy when they suffer from excess iron. This condition does not appear physically, but it is associated with a number of organs in the body, especially the liver. Things like this are usually experienced by those who are conscious of their health but often get the wrong information about iron consumption because they think it is more healthy to eat cereals fortified with iron (mainly marketed for children) and other foods that are considered to support physical shape. Men's health awareness will also be more inclined to frequent consume a multivitamin pills and minerals, which contain mostly iron dianataranya.

Most multi-vitamin pills and minerals just a sham. Consume is not helpful and just a waste of money. Within these pills contain iron expressed, if so then these pills more harm than good for men. The men in developing countries rarely have iron deficiency, because their food is rich in iron.

Iron is a mineral complex because there is no easy way for the body to rid of excess iron is absorbed. Excess sodium and pottasium not a big problem because the human body has a system that can balance the levels of sodium and potassium.

Excess iron intake will result in excess reserves of iron stored in the liver and organs of the body. This will produce symptoms similar to diabetes, including what he feared the men, which is hard erect.

Now almost every medical laboratory has available a tool to test the excess iron. To check for excess iron, you must undergo two tests. First to determine serum iron and the second is the amount of iron binding capacity. From the results of these tests can be calculated percentage of iron bonds that have been used. The level of iron levels in the corresponding body is 20 percent. If the iron saturation level above 50 percent, then the treatment should be immediate action taken.

Treatment is done to overcome the excess iron is very easy, only requiring the expenditure of blood from the body. If you do so at the hospital, it usually will be charged, but if you do so at the Red Cross organization in which this organization has a blood donor program, then you absolutely no charge to donate your blood. You should participate to donate blood when the saturation level of iron in your body is not under 20 percent.

If your main purpose in doing a relationship is to get great sex, I include the following tips on how to choose a good partner. If your spouse is younger and beautiful it is possible to get great sex are met, but the young and beautiful is not enough. There should be a combination of security and in doing mischief. Sigmund Freud once said that she was to be loved, but felt sure would love to give occasionally be in doubt.

Everyone knows the effects of feeling jealous of sex. Appropriate levels of jealousy is a stimulant drug which is better than any other stimulant pills, even yohimbe.

The statement above is not a suggestion that you had sex with anyone. Sex is best if done with a partner who has a loving relationship, not just a pleasure for a moment. And love can only develop properly if there is a certain level of exclusivity. Doubt is directed to the belief of love given by the disputed wanitapun not need to have sex with a sense of confidence and coupled naughty-naughty. How much confidence and mischief that will be totally dependent on those who do. Assessment will be given this is different from one person to another.

Friday, October 15, 2010

How To Overcome Diarrhea

diarrhea, health

Sometimes we as humans fail to health of our bodies, so can not shy away from foods that are not hygienic or clean seeds from all kinds of germs and disease. If we are not hygienic food then we could digestive disease that one result is diarrhea or diarrhea-diarrhea. Besides diarrhea can be caused by the toxicity of chemicals in food, cold, dehydration (lack of body fluids) and so forth.

Diarrhea is a condition in which a person defecate several times in one day which exceed normal limits and the stool or feces that came out of thin or thick liquid with the wind / fart from the stomach. Here below are 4 (four) technique or a way to cope with diarrhea or diarrhea-diarrhea.

1. Drink a lot of White Water
Frequently drink water that much because of the frequent bowel movements the body will lose a lot of fluid that must always be replaced with new fluid. CHAPTER drink after every one or two glasses of water or mineral water is clean and cooked.

Drink oralit which is the salt sugar solution to help stop the formation of energy and diarrhea / defecate after low BAB. Avoid drinking coffee, tea, etc. are able to stimulate gastric acid.

2. Eat Special Foods
Avoid eating fibrous foods such as gelatin, vegetables and fruit because fibrous foods will only prolong the period of diarrhea. Fibrous food is only good for people with constipation. For people with diarrhea should eat low-fiber foods such as soft easy rice or rice porridge with side dishes lemes salted eggs. Here, the rice will be a sugar to provide energy, while the salted egg will provide protein and salt to stop diarrhea and as a body builder substances. Avoid eating food out indiscriminate and spicy foods containing chillies and pepper.

3. Enough Rest
Can not be denied that those who waste water will feel weak, weak, lethargic, less passionate, and so on. For that to you who have felt very weak should ask the permission of the school or office to avoid the possibility of the worst or embarrassing in a public place. Sleep as much as possible but do not forget the time eating the food and drugs should be regularly, drinking lots, worship and pray and others.

4. Drink Drugs With the Right Dose
A good idea to consult with your doctor and ask for the right medicine for you, because every person has the characteristics of each drug in the election. Hospital, physician practice, clinic or other clinics that appropriate permits department of health is the right choice because it has a good doctor with medication good also. If you doubt just go to another doctor to get more information.

After a drink drug drug doses according to a given time. Usually the doctor will give drug mules, diarrhea medicine, vitamins and antibiotics. For drug mules and diarrhea should be taken if the stomach pains and diarrhea alone and stop when it stopped mules and diarrhea. Meanwhile, for antibiotic must spend in order to germs and other germs to die and do not form the total resistance. For whatever vitamin you want to spend or not, but it would not hurt if it is spent because the vitamins good for you as long as not excessive.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Benefits of Tropical Fruits From Cambodia

papaya fruit
We have compiled information on the health benefits of tropical fruits as found in Cambodia. Please note that none of our team members are health experts, but are greatly concerned with health. The information given here is only of educational nature and is not meant to give answers to some of the health problems you may have. We have information on the following fruits: bananas, coconuts, dragon fruit, jackfruit, mangoes, papayas, pineapples, pomelo, and watermelon. Information on other fruits will be added in the future.

Important nutrients:

* Potassium & Fiber - can lower blood pressure and protect from cardiovascular disease.

* Potassium - may help to promote bone health by counteracting the increased urinary calcium loss caused by high-salt
diets, thus helping to prevent the bones from thinning out at a fast rate.

* Tryptophan - a type of protein the body converts into serotonin, which makes you feel good and happy.

* Iron - good for sufferers of amnesia.

* A natural antacid - helpful in the case of stomach ulcers.

* Rich source of fiber - good for constipation.

General characteristics:

* Various nutrients help the body reduce water retention and lose weight.

* Bananas are an energy booster.

* Helpful for people trying to stop smoking, as they contain vitamins B6 and B12 as well as

potassium and magnesium all of which help the body recover from nicotine withdrawal.

* Many have experienced the disappearance of itching and swelling due to mosquito bites, if

the inside of a banana peel are applied to the bites.

* Green bananas contain short-chain fatty acids that humans cannot digest and that are favorite food of the cells that

make up the lining of the intestines. When these cells are well-nourished and healthy, the body's ability to absorb

nutrients such as calcium can increase dramatically.

Important nutrients:

* Saturated fat - short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids that the body convert into energy instead of storing

as fat; thus coconut can aid in weight loss.

* Coconut milk - rich in vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes such as potassium, calcium and chloride; half of the

medium-chain fatty acids are composed of lauric acid, which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-

fugal, thus coconut milk can boost the immune system and fight off illness and disease; also, found to be

effective against sore throats and ulcers.

* Coconut water - capable of carrying oxygen and nutrients to the body; fighting the viruses, controlling diabetes;

raising the metabolism; achieving the functioning of the kidney; improving circulation; helping weight loss, etc.

* Coconut oil - helpful for fighting against yeast, bacteria, fungi, and parasites;

improving digestion and absorption of other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals,

and amino acids; preventing premature aging and degenerative diseases

due to its antioxidant properties.

General characteristics:

* Coconut, in one form or another, may provide a wide range of health benefits, which are summarized below:

Kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other illnesses;

Kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia,

gonorrhea, and other diseases;

Kills fungi and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete's foot, thrush, diaper rash, and other infections;

Expels or kills tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites;

Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose;

Improves calcium and magnesium absorption and supports the development of strong bones and teeth;

Helps relieve symptoms associated with gallbladder disease;

Improves digestion and bowel function;

Dissolves kidney stones;

Helps prevent liver disease;

Reduces inflammation; etc.

Dragon Fruit

Important nutrients:

* Abundance of vitamin C - vitamin C acting as a powerful antioxidant.

* Thousands of varieties of antioxidants - perfect for protection of the body from

free radicals**.

* Rich source of dietary fiber (1g per 100g of fresh dragon fruit) - this fiber is

considered very important for the young as well as old to maintain good health.

General characteristics:

* Has been found to lower blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes.

* Improves memory.

* Helps in tissue development.

* Helps to strengthen the bones and teeth.

* Helps to maintain the health of the eyes.

* Improves digestion and reduces fat.

** Free radicals are molecules that can damage cells, which would lead to heart disease, cancer, premature aging, and degenerative diseases.


Important nutrients:

* Vitamin C - an antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals; it holds cells

in our body together, strengthens the immune system, and keeps our gums


* phytonutrients (such as lignans, isoflavones, and sapponins) - possess anti-

caner, antihypertensive, anti-ulcer, and anti-aging properties; can prevent cancer

cells from forming in the body; can slow down the degeneration of cells that make

the skin young and beautiful.

* Potassium - can lower high blood pressure.

General characteristics:

* Jackfruit has cancer-fighting properties because it contains isoflavones, antioxidants, and phytonutrients; it is also

capable of helping cure ulcers and indigestion.

* The human body cannot produce vitamin C, so it is important to eat foods that contain it.

* It is known to help cure ulcers and indigestion.

* Helps prevent constipation.

* May help prevent and treat tension and nervousness.

* Helps in obesity.

Important nutrients:

* Vitamins C and A (through beta-carotene) - capable of fighting free radicals in the body.

* Potassium - capable of controlling blood pressure, regulating heart beat, and possibly preventing stroke.

* One of the best sources of beta-carotene, quercetin, and astragalin - powerful antioxidants that neutralize free

* Pectin (soluble dietary fiber) - has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels.

* Phenolic compound - has been found to have powerful antioxidant and anticancer properties.

* Iron - good for pregnant women and anemia sufferers.

* Vitamins A and E and selenium - good for protection of heart disease.

* Vitamin E - helps the hormonal system function more efficiently, thus boosting sex life.

* Rich source of tryptophan - a precursor of the "happiness hormone" called serotonin.

General Characteristics:

* High in fiber, low in calories and sodium.

* We are advised to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. A half a mango constitutes one portion.

* High in antioxidant and low in carbohydrates.

* Effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin.

* Effective in helping to protect against heart disease and other ailments.

* One small mango contains 1/4 the daily requirement of vitamin C and 2/3 that of vitamin A.

Important nutrients:

* Papain and many other proteolytic enzymes - chemicals that enable digestion of

proteins; in a dry form, papain is used as a meat tenderizer.

* Arginine - essential for male fertility.

* Capain - good for the heart.

* Fibrin - important to the humans for blood clogging processes.

* Vitamin C and carotene - powerful antioxidants.

* Unique protein-digesting enzymes papain & chymopapain - helpful in lowering

inflammation and improve healing from burns.

General characteristics:

* The antioxidants, the B vitamins, folate and pantoghenic acid, minerals like potassium and magnesium, and fiber

work together to promote the health of the cardiovascular system and and also protect against colon cancer.

* Have rejuvenating properties, especially for the control of premature aging.

* Good for many digestive disorders and are excellent for improving poor digestion.

* Are used for the treatment of cancer together with pineapple juice which has another important enzyme,


* Papayas in ripe form are easily digestible and prevent constipation.

Important nutrients:

* Loaded with vitamins and minerals - particularly vitamin C, calcium, and potassium.

* Manganese - a trace mineral that is necessary for the body to build bones and connective tissues.

* Bromelain (an enzyme) - vitamin C helps alleviate colds, while bromelain suppresses coughs and

loosens mucus.

* Iron helps ease the pain of arthritis.

General characteristics:

* Strengthens weak bones.

* Helps arthritis.

* Good for gums.

* Prevents macular degeneration.

Pomelo (similar to grapefruit)

Important nutrients:

* A rich source of vitamins - particularly vitamin C, which fights free radicals to protect

the body.

* Frolic acid - essential for young women to ensure the health of future babies.

* Potassium - very helpful in lowering blood pressure.

* Limonoids - capable of preventing cancer cells from dividing better than chemical medicines;

researchers have found that limonoids have more lasting effect than current drugs.

General characteristics:

* Scientists have found that pomelo is invigorating and lifting up low spirit, performance, and stamina.

* Helps against atherosclerosis and blood pressure.

* Because it satisfies hunger and speeds up the breaking up of proteins and fats, pomelo is a godsend for those whish

to lose weight.

Important nutrients:

* Vitamins C and A (through beta-carotene) - capable of fighting free radicals in the body

* B vitamins - necessary for the production of body energy

* Lycopene - effective against cancer; neutralizes free radicals by traveling throughout the body

* Potassium - capable of controlling blood pressure, regulating heart beat, and possibly preventing stroke

* Citrulline - helping the body produce arginine, which can remove ammonia, thereby contributing to the
production of nitric acid that relaxes blood vessels, thus lowering high blood pressure (the male medicine,

Viagra, promotes production of nitric oxide)

General characteristics:

* Because of low calories, watermelon delivers more nutrients per calorie than any other fruits.

* Watermelon lowers the risk of macular degeneration (AGMD), which leads to vision loss.

* Watermelon seeds are also nutritious, because they are rich in good fats (50%), proteins (35%),

and fiber (5%).

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Prevent Breast Cancer with Papaya

papayaPapaya (Carica papaya) is a versatile plant. The fruit contains high antioxidants. These include vitamin C, flavonoids, folate, vitamin A, panthotenik acids, minerals, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium, fiber, and vitamin B. The fruit contains an enzyme that can prevent breast cancer cell growth. And the leaves and roots can be used to overcome various kinds of diseases.

Papaya fruit contains a variety of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Its vitamin A content of more than carrots, more vitamin C than oranges. He is also rich in vitamin B complex and vitamin E.

"Protein content in papaya fruits are not too high. Only 4-6 grams per kg weight of the fruit. But this small amount can be almost completely digested and absorbed by the body. This is due to the enzyme papain in papaya fruit is able to digest a substance 35 times larger than its size alone.

Papaya fruit contains the enzyme papain. This enzyme is very active and able to accelerate the process of protein digestion. This enzyme can break down food that contains proteins and to form various amino acid compounds that are autointoxicaing or automatically removes unwanted substances formation due to incomplete digestion. "High blood pressure, constipation, arthritis, epilepsy, and diabetes are diseases that arise because the process of digestion is not perfect. Papain can not always prevent it. However, at least to minimize the negative effects that arise. What is clear, papain digestion process may help to create better food.

Papaya can also speed up the digestion of carbohydrates and fats. The enzyme papain to break down the fibers of the meat so the meat is more easily digested. No wonder when the papaya is often used as material for the tender meat. The content of antiseptic to keep the digestive equipment, especially the intestine, from the bacteria.

Preventing Heart Disease

Papaya fruit can help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the liver. High cholesterol can cause heart attacks and strokes. And this can be prevented by eating a papaya on a regular basis.

Papaya is also rich in fiber can help lower cholesterol levels in the liver. Folic acid found in papaya can eliminate harmful substances that can damage blood vessel walls and ultimately cause a heart attack.

Papaya fruit contains vitamin A and vitamin B are needed to boost the immune system. In addition to the enzyme papain, chymopapain papaya also contain enzymes that can reduce inflammation, thus helping the body in the healing process of burns and other injuries.

Benefits of papaya fruit is no less significant are preventing colon cancer. This is not because of the fiber content. This fiber is very useful for those who have difficulty defecating. Vitamin A is found in papaya fruit, is very useful for people who have weak lungs.

Prevent Cancer

In the papaya fruit, there are more than 50 amoni acid contained in papaya latex, among others, aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysin, arginine, tritophan, and cysteine. "They are useful to refine the skin, strengthens skin cell tissue to be more elastic (antiaging early), and keep the teeth from plaque deposits.

Besides beneficial to the skin, papaya leaves can be used to treat vaginal discharge, fever due to childbirth, menstruation launch, and launch a breast milk (breast milk). And most importantly, can prevent breast cancer cell growth. Why?

Papain enzyme can break down proteins into arginine. Arginine compound is one of the essential amino acids in normal conditions can not be used to produce the body and obtained through foods such as eggs and yeast. However, if the enzyme papain digestion of proteins involved in the process, naturally some proteins can be converted to arginine with papain was also influence the production of human growth hormone, which is Human Growth Hormone (HGH). "Now, HGH is what helps improve muscle tone and reduce fat accumulation in the body. Other important information, laboratory test showed arginine serves to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.
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