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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Benefits of Tropical Fruits From Cambodia

papaya fruit
We have compiled information on the health benefits of tropical fruits as found in Cambodia. Please note that none of our team members are health experts, but are greatly concerned with health. The information given here is only of educational nature and is not meant to give answers to some of the health problems you may have. We have information on the following fruits: bananas, coconuts, dragon fruit, jackfruit, mangoes, papayas, pineapples, pomelo, and watermelon. Information on other fruits will be added in the future.

Important nutrients:

* Potassium & Fiber - can lower blood pressure and protect from cardiovascular disease.

* Potassium - may help to promote bone health by counteracting the increased urinary calcium loss caused by high-salt
diets, thus helping to prevent the bones from thinning out at a fast rate.

* Tryptophan - a type of protein the body converts into serotonin, which makes you feel good and happy.

* Iron - good for sufferers of amnesia.

* A natural antacid - helpful in the case of stomach ulcers.

* Rich source of fiber - good for constipation.

General characteristics:

* Various nutrients help the body reduce water retention and lose weight.

* Bananas are an energy booster.

* Helpful for people trying to stop smoking, as they contain vitamins B6 and B12 as well as

potassium and magnesium all of which help the body recover from nicotine withdrawal.

* Many have experienced the disappearance of itching and swelling due to mosquito bites, if

the inside of a banana peel are applied to the bites.

* Green bananas contain short-chain fatty acids that humans cannot digest and that are favorite food of the cells that

make up the lining of the intestines. When these cells are well-nourished and healthy, the body's ability to absorb

nutrients such as calcium can increase dramatically.

Important nutrients:

* Saturated fat - short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids that the body convert into energy instead of storing

as fat; thus coconut can aid in weight loss.

* Coconut milk - rich in vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes such as potassium, calcium and chloride; half of the

medium-chain fatty acids are composed of lauric acid, which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-

fugal, thus coconut milk can boost the immune system and fight off illness and disease; also, found to be

effective against sore throats and ulcers.

* Coconut water - capable of carrying oxygen and nutrients to the body; fighting the viruses, controlling diabetes;

raising the metabolism; achieving the functioning of the kidney; improving circulation; helping weight loss, etc.

* Coconut oil - helpful for fighting against yeast, bacteria, fungi, and parasites;

improving digestion and absorption of other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals,

and amino acids; preventing premature aging and degenerative diseases

due to its antioxidant properties.

General characteristics:

* Coconut, in one form or another, may provide a wide range of health benefits, which are summarized below:

Kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other illnesses;

Kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia,

gonorrhea, and other diseases;

Kills fungi and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete's foot, thrush, diaper rash, and other infections;

Expels or kills tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites;

Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose;

Improves calcium and magnesium absorption and supports the development of strong bones and teeth;

Helps relieve symptoms associated with gallbladder disease;

Improves digestion and bowel function;

Dissolves kidney stones;

Helps prevent liver disease;

Reduces inflammation; etc.

Dragon Fruit

Important nutrients:

* Abundance of vitamin C - vitamin C acting as a powerful antioxidant.

* Thousands of varieties of antioxidants - perfect for protection of the body from

free radicals**.

* Rich source of dietary fiber (1g per 100g of fresh dragon fruit) - this fiber is

considered very important for the young as well as old to maintain good health.

General characteristics:

* Has been found to lower blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes.

* Improves memory.

* Helps in tissue development.

* Helps to strengthen the bones and teeth.

* Helps to maintain the health of the eyes.

* Improves digestion and reduces fat.

** Free radicals are molecules that can damage cells, which would lead to heart disease, cancer, premature aging, and degenerative diseases.


Important nutrients:

* Vitamin C - an antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals; it holds cells

in our body together, strengthens the immune system, and keeps our gums


* phytonutrients (such as lignans, isoflavones, and sapponins) - possess anti-

caner, antihypertensive, anti-ulcer, and anti-aging properties; can prevent cancer

cells from forming in the body; can slow down the degeneration of cells that make

the skin young and beautiful.

* Potassium - can lower high blood pressure.

General characteristics:

* Jackfruit has cancer-fighting properties because it contains isoflavones, antioxidants, and phytonutrients; it is also

capable of helping cure ulcers and indigestion.

* The human body cannot produce vitamin C, so it is important to eat foods that contain it.

* It is known to help cure ulcers and indigestion.

* Helps prevent constipation.

* May help prevent and treat tension and nervousness.

* Helps in obesity.

Important nutrients:

* Vitamins C and A (through beta-carotene) - capable of fighting free radicals in the body.

* Potassium - capable of controlling blood pressure, regulating heart beat, and possibly preventing stroke.

* One of the best sources of beta-carotene, quercetin, and astragalin - powerful antioxidants that neutralize free

* Pectin (soluble dietary fiber) - has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels.

* Phenolic compound - has been found to have powerful antioxidant and anticancer properties.

* Iron - good for pregnant women and anemia sufferers.

* Vitamins A and E and selenium - good for protection of heart disease.

* Vitamin E - helps the hormonal system function more efficiently, thus boosting sex life.

* Rich source of tryptophan - a precursor of the "happiness hormone" called serotonin.

General Characteristics:

* High in fiber, low in calories and sodium.

* We are advised to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. A half a mango constitutes one portion.

* High in antioxidant and low in carbohydrates.

* Effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin.

* Effective in helping to protect against heart disease and other ailments.

* One small mango contains 1/4 the daily requirement of vitamin C and 2/3 that of vitamin A.

Important nutrients:

* Papain and many other proteolytic enzymes - chemicals that enable digestion of

proteins; in a dry form, papain is used as a meat tenderizer.

* Arginine - essential for male fertility.

* Capain - good for the heart.

* Fibrin - important to the humans for blood clogging processes.

* Vitamin C and carotene - powerful antioxidants.

* Unique protein-digesting enzymes papain & chymopapain - helpful in lowering

inflammation and improve healing from burns.

General characteristics:

* The antioxidants, the B vitamins, folate and pantoghenic acid, minerals like potassium and magnesium, and fiber

work together to promote the health of the cardiovascular system and and also protect against colon cancer.

* Have rejuvenating properties, especially for the control of premature aging.

* Good for many digestive disorders and are excellent for improving poor digestion.

* Are used for the treatment of cancer together with pineapple juice which has another important enzyme,


* Papayas in ripe form are easily digestible and prevent constipation.

Important nutrients:

* Loaded with vitamins and minerals - particularly vitamin C, calcium, and potassium.

* Manganese - a trace mineral that is necessary for the body to build bones and connective tissues.

* Bromelain (an enzyme) - vitamin C helps alleviate colds, while bromelain suppresses coughs and

loosens mucus.

* Iron helps ease the pain of arthritis.

General characteristics:

* Strengthens weak bones.

* Helps arthritis.

* Good for gums.

* Prevents macular degeneration.

Pomelo (similar to grapefruit)

Important nutrients:

* A rich source of vitamins - particularly vitamin C, which fights free radicals to protect

the body.

* Frolic acid - essential for young women to ensure the health of future babies.

* Potassium - very helpful in lowering blood pressure.

* Limonoids - capable of preventing cancer cells from dividing better than chemical medicines;

researchers have found that limonoids have more lasting effect than current drugs.

General characteristics:

* Scientists have found that pomelo is invigorating and lifting up low spirit, performance, and stamina.

* Helps against atherosclerosis and blood pressure.

* Because it satisfies hunger and speeds up the breaking up of proteins and fats, pomelo is a godsend for those whish

to lose weight.

Important nutrients:

* Vitamins C and A (through beta-carotene) - capable of fighting free radicals in the body

* B vitamins - necessary for the production of body energy

* Lycopene - effective against cancer; neutralizes free radicals by traveling throughout the body

* Potassium - capable of controlling blood pressure, regulating heart beat, and possibly preventing stroke

* Citrulline - helping the body produce arginine, which can remove ammonia, thereby contributing to the
production of nitric acid that relaxes blood vessels, thus lowering high blood pressure (the male medicine,

Viagra, promotes production of nitric oxide)

General characteristics:

* Because of low calories, watermelon delivers more nutrients per calorie than any other fruits.

* Watermelon lowers the risk of macular degeneration (AGMD), which leads to vision loss.

* Watermelon seeds are also nutritious, because they are rich in good fats (50%), proteins (35%),

and fiber (5%).

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