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Sunday, September 27, 2009

When forced to try new

A recent study conducted by researchers at the U.S. Agricultural Research Center and National Institute for Security and Worker Health, found that certain mixtures contained in fresh blackberry fruit is very nutritious to destroy cancer cells and malignant tumors. The mixture is kind of flavonoid cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G), which can dissolve in water.

Flavonoids are a type of mixture produced by natural plants, which function as antioxidants. As in the mixture of dye plants and although not classified as essential nutrients, they are able to produce vitamin C, which makes it a very powerful antioxidant. Flavonoids are also needed to maintain capillary walls and protect from infection. Flavonoid deficiencies will cause the body to bruise easily.

Mixture of flavonoids found in fruits such as berries, apples, garlic, red wine, tea, green grapes, oranges, lemons, cherries, green vegetables, blue and green algae, and many others. Flavonoids are not only protects from harmful substances that damage cells, but also prevent the growth of cancer germs in the body, slowing the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body, and others.

Although previous studies showed that almost all fruits and vegetables contain anti-cancer mixture of very potent, the researchers failed to find whether the type of plant antioxidants that destroy tumor cells and how they work. "Only little is known about the active ingredients in these antioxidants and how these components using 'kemampuan' it to prevent the growth of seedlings of cancer," said the team involved in the study.

In experiments conducted on rats, researchers found that flavonoids C3G very effective against skin cancer. These mice had skin cancer before the scientists begin giving supplements containing C3G. After a certain period, the researchers found that a mixture of blackberries very active against tumors that highly contagious skin and inhibits the growth and spread of these tumors.

The same experiment performed on mice afflicted with lung cancer, one type of cancer that can spread and infect other organs in the body. C3G flavonoid supplements proved to be very efficient in fighting the disease of lung cancer and also prevent the growth and spread of tumors.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Forced to learn about the eye cancer

Forced to learn about the eye cancer

About Retinoblastoma

The incidence of cancer in children, according to Prof.Djajadiman, about 3% of the total incidence of cancer in children under the age of 15 years.

In Indonesia, the number of children suffering from cancer estimated 9000 children and retinoblastoma - tumor cells that grow on the retina of the eye - is one type of cancer in children most often encountered.

The cause of retinoblastoma in one eye (unilateral) or both eyes (bilateral) children, according to him, until now not known with certainty so that prevention becomes difficult.

"Allegedly associated with a genetic disorder. There is a genetic problem that causes cell growth control should be out of control," he said.

Nevertheless, he continued, the impact of this disease can be reduced by early detection. Retinoblastoma is found at an early stage can be cured. In fact, ninety percent of retinoblastoma cases are detected early and get proper treatment can be cured.

"And the eye can be maintained if the size of the cancer is still under 0.5 centimeters," he said and added the late detectable retinoblastoma patients the opportunity to recover less.

Furthermore, he explained, although the specific symptoms of retinoblastoma in children the disease is difficult to identify but there are common signs to be aware as a symptom of retinoblastoma.

Retinoblastoma in children, says Prof. Djajadiman, often marked with reddish eyes, inflammation of the eyes and the white spots on the black eye.

If it's bad, he said, the white spots will enlarge and then will reflect the light entering the eye like a cat's eye, crossed eyes and protruding eyeballs out.

He said, if the symptoms were found in children of parents should immediately take him to a hospital or other health facilities so that doctors can help determine whether children stricken with cancer.

And if the child is diagnosed with retinoblastoma is attacked, Prof.Djajadiman said, he had to get care and treatment in accordance with the type of cancer and stadiumnya.

"If allowed, or not properly treated, the tumor will grow and spread to the bone marrow, or into the brain. This is going to threaten the lives of the child," he said.

He explains, early-stage retinoblastoma is usually treated surgically (surgery) with or without combination with chemotherapy / radiotherapy.

When you've found in an advanced stage, with a lifting eye surgery had to be done and after the operation mounted protesa (false eye) remain concerned that look good.

Better Early Detection

Cancer early detection can save children from malignant disease often lead to death. Unfortunately, most cases of retinoblastoma was found in an advanced stage.

"The public and most health workers at primary level do not have adequate knowledge about cancer, so do not know how to recognize the signs and what to do after that.

Therefore, he continued, in order to increase public awareness, community health workers and health personnel who served in primary health care facilities, early detection campaigns, community-based integrated cancer.

"After the campaign, then made models of cancer early detection campaigns for communities to use in activities of a broader campaign," he said.

"Hopefully, this campaign can continue to do so in child cancer cases could be found and treated as early as possible so as not to be fatal," he said.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Male circumcision, HIV and Prevent Cervical Cancer

Male circumcision, HIV and Prevent Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is only experienced by women. However, men can help prevent this disease.

Way, the husband suggested aka circumcision circumcision. In addition to be capable of preventing cervical cancer, circumcision is also believed to be able to minimize the spread of HIV. Facts on the ground mentioned, the death rate from AIDS and cervical cancer (cervix) is very high. Call it HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, which infects 33 million people around the world.

Such as HPV (human pappiloma virus) which is the cause of sexually transmitted infection most common in the world. The virus has infected at least 20 million people in the United States (U.S.). Virus that is the main culprit of cervical cancer, a disease capable of killing 300,000 women per year.

Treatment efforts have evolved, no longer just a treat, but also prevention. For example, HPV vaccine for cervical cancer prevention. Unfortunately, an effective vaccine to prevent AIDS is still not found until this moment.

Well, for you men who have been circumcised (circumcision), be happy because you and your partner is lower risk with both viruses are deadly. Good news came from a report of three studies published recently in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. The results of the study strengthens the evidence that circumcision protects men from HPV and HIV.

It is no secret, if cervical cancer experienced by women only. However, the woman could have contracted HPV from their husbands or sexual partners. In other words, a circumcision is a man not only protect themselves, their partners, too.

Dr. Bertran Auvert of the University of Versailles, France, and his team in South Africa (South Africa) to test the 1200 men who went to the clinic in South Africa. They found cases of HPV infection is less than 15 percent in circumcised men, and 22 percent in circumcised men who have not. "This finding is the answer to the question why women are married to circumcised men who have a lower risk of cervical cancer," he said.

The second study involving a number of male participants in the U.S. showed less clear results. However, Carrie Nielson from Oregon Health & Science University found indications of a protective effect of male circumcision. After analyzing the differences in the group of men circumcised and uncircumcised, Carrie concludes, the risk for circumcised men infected with HPV only half the risk of men who are not circumcised.

Meanwhile, the third report is the result of research Lee Warner of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) USA. He and his team tested the men African-American in Baltimore, USA. Found that cases of HIV infection in circumcised men compared to only 10 percent 22 percent of cases in men are not circumcised. "Circumcision may reduce risk of HIV infection in men who are often exposed to HIV. This supports other studies related to HIV risk reduction in heterosexual men circumcised, "he said.

Dr. Ronald Gray and his team from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore said, circumcision is rarely carried out ethnic African-American and Hispanic in America. In fact, they include high-risk group for HIV. "Research on the benefits of circumcision, it might be useful to protect minorities from HIV," he said.

Three studies report the fishing debate that men (including a baby boy was born) should be circumcised to protect their health, as well as future sexual partners. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) also recommends circumcision to have a baby boy was born.

In Indonesia, circumcision or circumcision is generally performed Muslim men, although there are some Christians who also do it. On average boys circumcised at the age of 9-10 years (3-5 grade school). Circumcision done by cutting the skin covering the tip of a vital tool that opens.

"Anatomy of the male genitalia compared hat, when urinating urine remains deposited there. Through circumcision, would clean and no virus," said staff Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology FKUI / RSCM Jakarta, Dr. SpOG Hestiantoro Andon (K).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Forced to know asbestos, a friend.

Forced to know asbestos, a friend.

Asbestos or asbestos is commonly called a group metamorfois mineral fiber. Asbestos is a silicate minerals produced from mining / natural materials. Thin fiber-shaped fiber, length, and strong. The name comes from its use in light Wick; because he refractories have been used in many applications. Asbestos fibers composed of silicate minerals with different chemical composition. If inhaled, asbestos fibers settle in the lungs, causing scarring. Inhaling asbestos can also cause thickening of the pleura (the membrane lining the lungs). Asbestos was commonly encountered home insulation, vinyl floor mat, the outer layer house [siding] and also in the house layer [drywall] are widely used in building construction.

Asbestos is one example of pollution is known mineral danger. In the international world, asbestos was included in the group B3 (Hazardous and Toxic Materials). World countries have banned its use, such as the European Union, Japan, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, America, Spain, Luxembourg, Australia, Vietnam, and Thailand. For Indonesia, based on the PP. No. 74/2001, Use of Asbestos must be controlled.
The Danger?

Asbestos is no doubt that negatively affect health (based on studies of In Vitro / In Vivo and epidemiological studies). Asbestos and fiberglass, our breathing if inhaled, can cause lung cancer and therefore most of the use of asbestos has been banned in many countries. In addition to lung cancer, a disease that can be caused by Asbestos among others:

1. Asbestosis is a respiratory disease that results from inhaling asbestos fibers, where the lungs are formed extensive scarring due to asbestos fibers are trapped in the lung tissue. These events create a network around a wound. The wound is what ultimately makes the lungs are not functioning. Asbestosis latency period until established, there is very long, between 15-30 years. So be careful because the symptoms can not be detected within a short time!
2. Mesothelioma, cancer which occurs in the pleura (the outer layer of the lungs) and / or the peritoneum (outer layer of the wall Obdinal)


Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause the formation of scar tissue (fibrosis) in the lungs. Lung tissue that forms the fibrosis can not expand and deflate properly. Weighing the disease depends on the duration of exposure and the number of fibers inhaled. Asbestos exposure can be found in the mining and milling industries, construction and other industries. Exposure to asbestos workers' families can also occur from particles brought home on the clothing workers.

Asbestosis Symptoms appear gradually and only emerged only after the formation of scar tissue in large quantities and the lungs lose elasticity.

The first symptoms are shortness of breath, light and reduced ability to exercise. Around 15% of patients, will experience severe shortness of breath and respiratory failure.

Heavy smokers with chronic bronchitis and Asbestosis, will suffer from cough and asthma. Inhaling asbestos fibers can sometimes cause the gathering of fluid in the space between the membranes that line the lungs. Although rare, asbestos can cause tumors in the pleura or mesotelioma called on the stomach lining called the peritoneal mesotelioma.

Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos malignancy and can not be cured. Mesothelioma usually appear after exposure krokidolit, one of the 4 types of asbestos. Amosite, the other types, also cause mesothelioma. Krisotil may not cause mesothelioma, but sometimes contaminated by tremolit which can cause mesothelioma. Mesothelioma usually occurs after exposure for 30-40 years.

Lung cancer will occur in people who also smoke Asbestosis, especially those who smoke more than one pack a day.

Other symptoms that may be found:

* Cough
* Tightness in the chest
* Chest pain
* Nail abnormalities or clubbing of fingers (the fingers of the hand that resembles a drum percussion).


On physical examination with a stethoscope, will ronki voice. To confirm the diagnosis, usually made following examination:

* Chest X-rays
* Tests of lung function
* CT scan of the lung.


Supportive treatment to overcome the symptoms that arise is to remove the mucus / phlegm from the lung through postural drainage procedures, chest percussion and vibration. Inhaler was given to thin the mucus. May need to be given oxygen, either through the front shield (mask) or through a plastic tube that is placed in the nostrils. Sometimes performed lung transplants. Mesothelioma fatal, chemotherapy is not much useful and tumor removal does not cure cancer.

Asbestosis can be prevented by reducing levels of asbestos fibers and dust in the work environment. Since the industrial use of asbestos dust control is done, now who are suffering fewer Asbestosis, but mesothelioma is still happening to people who had been exposed 40 years ago

To reduce the risk of lung cancer, to the workers associated with asbestos, it is recommended to quit smoking. Meanwhile, in order to avoid the source of the disease will spread in the family, advised all workers to wash his work clothes at the factory, and replacing them with clean clothes to go back to the house. So that all work clothes no one brought home, and workers cleaned up or a shower before returning home each.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The male have to know the cause of mesothelioma.

The male have to know the cause of mesothelioma.

To understand the definition of Mesothelioma cancer once needs to understand the types of cells in the human body know which is called Mesothelial cells. Mesothelial cells are cells that form the outer membrane of vital Organs such as heart, Lungs and abdominal Organs. Mesothelial cells that form the outer membrane of vital organs like heart, lungs and abdominal organs. Mesothelioma cancer attacks this outer membrane. Mesothelioma cancer attacks this outer membrane. Mesothelioma can be divided into three categories each affecting the outer membrane of a different organ, the Organs being the heart, lung and abdominal Organs. Mesothelioma can be divided into three categories each affecting outer membrane of different organs, the organs of the heart, lungs and abdominal organs.

There are three types of treatments for mesothelioma patients. There are three types of treatment for mesothelioma patients. First one is surgery, the next and the third chemotherapy, radiotherapy. First is surgery, chemotherapy and a third next, radiotherapy. Several alternative medicine options are also available and these can be combined with the treatments and have so far provided very good results. Several alternative treatment options are also available and can be combined with treatment and so far it gives very good results.

Surgery has proven to be a very effective treatment option for mesothelioma cancer but before a patient can have surgery performed on him the doctors must examine him or her to determine whether there is in fact a tumor in the body or not. The operation has proved to be a very effective choice for treatment of mesothelioma cancer but before the patient can perform surgery on him the doctor must examine him to determine whether in fact there was a tumor in the body or not. After this examination, the doctors can perform the surgery and remove the damaged parts, or in some cases the entire organ depending on how far the cancer had spread. After this examination, the doctor can do surgery and remove the parts of damaged or in some cases, whole organs depending on how far the cancer has spread.

Chemotherapy is a method to destroy these malignant cells. Chemotherapy is a method to destroy malignant cells this. It involves the patient taking drugs that do just that either directly or through a vein. This involves the patient taking drugs that do this either directly or through a vein. Chemotherapy can be performed after a surgery to help remove any remaining cancer cells and if it used this way chemotherapy is referred to as a 'secondary treatment'. Chemotherapy after surgery can be done to help eradicate cancer cells remaining, and if you use this method of chemotherapy is called a 'secondary care'.

Radiotherapy uses rays that can effectively kill the cancer cells and it can be used as an assistant treatment after surgery to kill off any remaining cancer cells. Radiotherapy uses beams that can effectively kill cancer cells and can be used as an assistant treatment after surgery to kill cancer cells remaining.

No matter what type of cancer diagnosis, whether it is mesothelioma or another type of cancer, anyone can deal with the stress of the disease and its treatments better with a healthy, balanced diet. No matter what type of cancer diagnosis, whether it is mesothelioma or other types of cancer, each person can handle stress and disease better treatment with a healthy and balanced. Your physical strength and stamina can be increased when you maintain a healthy weight, as well, which can help you to deal with any difficult Situations Relating to the mesothelioma. Your physical strength and stamina can be improved if you maintain a healthy weight, too, which can help you to handle any difficult situations associated with mesothelioma.

When you stick to a healthy, nutritious diet plan, you are doing your body a big favor. If you stay healthy, nutritious diet, you are doing your body a big help. Following such a plan, you can enhance your strength and assist your body in its fight against infection. Following such a plan, you can increase your strength and helps the body fight infection. A well-balanced diet has also been shown to help the body to rebuild tissues that have been damaged. A balanced diet has also been shown to help the body to rebuild damaged tissue.

Determining a healthy diet is simple - just look to the United States Department of Agriculture for advice. Deciding a healthy diet simple - just look to the United States Department of Agriculture for advice. They have determined that a healthy, well-balanced diet incorporates all levels found on the food pyramid. They have determined that a healthy, balanced diet incorporating all levels found in the food pyramid. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and beans are all foods to be enjoyed in varying amounts, while sweets and oils should be used in moderation (if at all). Grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and nuts are foods that can be enjoyed in varying amounts, while sweets and oils should be used in moderation (if at all). Exercise is an integral part of their healthy diet plan! Exercise is an integral part of their healthy diet plan! They recommend at least 30 minutes of it each and every day. They recommend at least 30 minutes of it each and every day.

When a patient has mesothelioma or another form of cancer, the focus of a healthy lifestyle is more important than for healthy individuals. When a patient has mesothelioma or another form of cancer, the focus of a healthy lifestyle is more important than healthy individuals. Nutritional and exercise considerations are Crucial to cancer patients, and some studies done by medical professionals have focused on this fact. Nutrition and exercise an important consideration for cancer patients, and several studies conducted by medical professionals has been focused on this fact. These studies have shown how cancer can change a patient's eating habits, while it also shows how eating habits can increase a person's likelihood of developing various types of cancer. These studies have shown how cancer can change the eating habits of patients, while also showing how eating habits can increase the likelihood of someone developing various types of cancer.

Although it is known that a healthy, balanced diet is beneficial, it can be disrupted by cancer treatments. Though known that a healthy, balanced diet benefits, can interfere with cancer treatment. Side effects like nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite can almost a patient's ability to stick to a proper eating plan. Side effects such as nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite may hamper the ability of patients to stick to a proper eating plan. When this occurs, a doctor can recommend and prescribe medications to help with the alleviation of the side effects. When this occurs, a doctor can recommend and prescribe medications to help alleviate side effects. The physician or a dietician can be extremely useful during this period by providing meal planning and preparation suggestions. The doctor or nutritionist can be very useful during this period by providing planning and food preparation suggestions.

Unfortunately, there is no nutritional cure for mesothelioma and other forms of cancer. Unfortunately, there is no cure for mesothelioma nutrition and other types of other cancers.

Be careful of male who worked with asbestos!!!

Be careful of male who worked with asbestos!!!

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer in the form of malignant cells found in the sac lining the chest (the lining of the lung / pleura) or abdomen (the membrane / peritoneum). Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the membrane that covers and protects the body from various organs (mesothelium). Mesothelium consists of two layers of specialized cells known as mesothelial cells. One layer immediately surrounds the organ, other forms a protective sac around the organs. The most common form of mesothelioma Affects the membrane or sac that lines the Lungs (pleural).

Form the most common mesothelioma affects the lining of the bag in the channel or the lungs (pleura). Other common sites include the membrane lining the stomach (peritoneum) and the membrane lining the heart (pericardium). Other common sites include stomach limiting membrane (membrane) and the membrane lining the heart (pericardium). Most people with malignant mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they breathed / inhaled asbestos, a fiber used in insulation materials.

The term "cancer" refers to a group of diseases of abnormal growth of cells out of control (eg, mesothelial cells) that attack surrounding tissues and can spread (metastasize) to distant cells or organs via the blood, a weak system, or other facilities. Various forms of cancer, including mesothelioma, can be classified based on the type of cells involved, the special nature of the crime, cells or organs affected, and the clinical course of the disease. Symptoms of mesothelioma vary depending on location, type and stage of cancer. Approximately 70-80 percent of mesothelioma cases affected by asbestos. Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until up to 50 years after the initial conceded / inhaling asbestos. However, after symptoms began apparent, mesothelioma may rapidly progress to cause life-threatening complications. However, after the symptoms began to appear, mesothelioma can quickly lead to life threatening complications.

Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, or pain or swelling in the abdomen. Treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, based on whether the cancer has spread (metastasized) and stage of cancer.

How to keep male from mesothelioma?

How to keep male from mesothelioma?

Most affected male mesothelioma caused by working at a job in inhaled asbestos particles, or perhaps also because they have been exposed to asbestos dust and fibers in other ways. Washing clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos can also be at risk for mesothelioma attacked. Unlike lung cancer, and no association between mesothelioma and smoking. Compensation via asbestos funds or lawsuits is important in dealing with mesothelioma (see asbestos and the law).

Among other symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath due to pleural fluid (fluid between the lung and the chest wall) or chest wall pain, and also because of being overweight. Diagnosis can be suspected with chest X-ray and CT scan, and confirmed with a biopsy (tissue sample) and microscopic examination. A thoracoscopy (insert a tube with a camera into the chest) can be used to take biopsies. Allows the introduction of things such as the repeal of talc into the pleural space (called pleurodesis), which prevents more fluid from accumulating and pressing on the lungs.

While being treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery, which carry the disease prognosis. Research about screening tests for early detection of mesothelioma is continuously.

Breast Cancer In Male

Breast Cancer In Male

Breast cancer is not only attacking the woman, then you already know. Unfortunately, he recognized the lack of clinical symptoms of this disease, so the cancer spreads or diidap already entered an advanced stage.

Clinical symptoms of breast cancer in men resemble women's symptoms and derived from the mammary gland. The difference is, men are rarely affected by this disease before the age of 50 years. Generally this is a lot of experienced men in old age. Therefore, after a 50-year-old, he suggested wary of solid and hard lump in the back of her nipples.


Bump, these same symptoms of breast cancer experienced woman, originally just a lump. But because breast tissue is less men than women, the emergence of a lump in the breast that is still very little else would have been palpable. Generally experienced only in one breast, and when touched feel hard.

Changes in the nipple, if the cancer is advanced stage, there is a change in the nipple and the black area around the nipple. The skin grew red nipples, shrink, drawn into, or may be nipple discharge.

Triggers and Causes

Genetic, A man of this disease at risk if there are relatives, whether male or female, who had breast cancer. Dad with breast cancer gene mutations can also pass on the cancer to her daughter.

Bad lifestyle, habits of smoking and drinking alcohol also increases the risk of cancer.

Liver disease, liver metabolism (fatty liver) causes disturbed hormonal metabolism and lead to enlargement of the mammary gland in breast malignancy. Enlargement of mammary glands in males could be due to complications of liver disease, no hormonal or chromosomal abnormalities.

Excess sex hormones, which suffered from excess waria estrogen for a long time is not impossible that could suddenly have breasts. The higher the estrogen levels in the blood, the greater the size of her breasts. Examples of estrogen therapy in men who sex-change operation, for example.


Doing breast self-examination, recommendations for early detection of breast cancer by doing breast self-examination (Breast Self-Examination) not only applies to women but also for men. The man should feel lucky because they would be easier to detect breast lumps around.

Mammogram (special X-rays for breast), The X-ray mammography use low doses to find abnormal areas in the breast.

Ultrasound / ultrasound (photographing devices inside the body), ultrasound is used to differentiate cysts (fluid-filled sac) with a solid lump.

Treatment usually begins after full examination of the condition of the patient that is about 1 week after the biopsy. The treatment consists of surgery, radiation therapy used to kill cancer cells in the tumor removal and the surrounding area including the lymph nodes.

Chemotherapy (a combination of drugs to kill cells that multiply quickly or pressing breeding) and drug-hormone inhibitors (drugs that affect the hormones that support the growth of cancer cells) are used to suppress the growth of cancer cells throughout the body.

The results of treatment depends on the stage or level at the time of cancer treatment.

Monday, September 7, 2009

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

In order for male to orgasm again ...

In order for male to orgasm again ...

FOR affairs of the bed, women are probably less aggressive to attack. But, for the affairs of orgasm, women remain a champion!

"The female body unconsciously expects more stimulation to bring the climax when intercourse. In the women's bodies are already trained to easily aroused great, or really no mood to make love," said Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD, author of The Multi - Orgasmic Woman like that was launched from Redbookmag.

Abrams gave the following telling tricks to make your partner reach orgasm multi orgasm after the first. Curious?

"Give stimulation at the Miss V clitoris couples within 30 seconds after the first orgasm. With these actions, your partner's body is still filled with the sensation of pleasure. So if clitoris Miss V is given a touch, it will quickly lead him achieve multi orgasm," Abrams explained.

Men generally do not power when Mr. P was already turn on. However, if the pair seemed to enjoy the action you "play" area of her G Spot, you can deal with these conditions.

"When Mr. P you can not resist the power of desire, do intercourse while still providing a stimulus to Miss V clitoris partner," said Abrams.

The result? Your spouse will fly to the seventh heaven!

Secret sex male & women

Secret sex male & women

"What makes a married couple remained intimate and warm in bed?" Said oprah, a woman who was having problems with their partner.

oprah Questions may also be asked so many couples who have married and started to find their sexual lives are not as warm as before. A later survey conducted by collecting the marriage counselor and sex to reveal the secret sex lives of couples experience proved happy. And it turned out, the secret is the simple things and do not even require acrobatic style of lovemaking.

1. Retains activity

According to Tina Tessina, Ph.D. author of How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free, describes sexual activity is recommended but not mean you have to do it every day or as often as possible. Avocation make you and your partner miss each other, and when met at home, your interactions take place very sweet. So no need to stress if you find that within two weeks you do not have sex with a partner. It will only make you enjoy every second of intimate relationship with him.

2. Mutual touch

Barry McCarthy, Ph.D. marriage and sex consultant and author of Rekindling Desire, explained that there were 5 stages in touch. And most couples who have a satisfying sex life to 4 of the 5 levels. "The touch of the hand at the time - when not expected, such as when walking in the mall, or when leaving the office makes you feel close to the couple," explained Barry. Physical contact such as hugging and touching the feet or just curled up watching a show on television is another secret of happy couples make you always have the closeness and intimacy with your spouse even if you're both too tired to have sex.

3. Make Up Sex

Argument usually ends in a reluctance to have sex with their partner. According to Tina Tessina, Ph.D. author of How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free says you should not refuse sex even when fighting with a partner. Make up sex gives a strong message to the partner that you love him does not fade even if not agree with him, so that the intimacy was not reduced.

4. Maintaining humor

"My husband and I have never celebrated Valentine's Day, but when Valentine's Day yesterday, he came and gave me a Valentine card is a very big and fake roses filled gliter. It made me moved and amused, "said Amelia, who has been married 3 years.

In addition to serious, there are times when you and your partner can take off all the maturity and being a bit silly. Humorous and a little childish things is a prerequisite for maintaining intimacy.

5. Quickie Sex

"One thing that must be held by the spouse is not priority sex with foreplay and romance as the only key to the warmth of your sexual life. Especially for busy couples, "said Laura Berman, Ph.D., director of the Berman Center - couples consultant in Chicago. Laura explained quickie sex can be a satisfying sex while maintaining a warmth and intimacy of your partner, especially for busy because quickie sex is very efficient in time.

Sex is not everything in maintaining intimate relationships in order to stay, but couples who have sexual activity will be more affectionate and understanding. They also will be more romantic and intimate, and rarely argue.


In order for a male not fat

In order for a male not fat

There are many ways to lose weight, starting from the various methods of diet, exercise, liposuction, acupuncture, slimming medicine to drink. Which is safe and effective?

Referring to the world health agency, WHO, noted that weight loss is not good can be done instantly, but it is a long-term therapy. Needed to lose weight not only reduces eating, but also needed guidance from a nutritionist before making dietary changes, along with physical activity and behavioral therapy.

To find out which way slimming healthy, safe, and effective, please read the following descriptions to complete.


How to remove fat that is the trend now is liposuction surgery and tummy-tuck. This operation was chosen because a lot of weight can come down drastically without exercising and tired of dieting, it is proved by the testimony of a famous artist. But why did it even though the fat is removed, the body is still too stretchy?

Basically liposuction is surgery to remove fat under the skin, and made to achieve harmony of body, not to lose weight. While tummy-tuck is the process of disposal of excess fat tissue and the overlying skin to form a more aesthetic body. Fat should not be reduced any more than 3-5 kg once operations

According to nutrition specialist, dr.Johanes Chandrawinata, MND, SpGK, both types of operations are usually performed on patients who doctors had bodies sagged after the body weight lost. So, to lose weight first before surgery, not surgery to lose weight because after 3 months the body will be fat again.

Gastric binding & gastric by-pass

This action is selected if by any slimming method did not work. Gastric binding is the installation tool "binding the stomach" which causes a smaller stomach pouch so that we will not eat too much because your body feel full faster. Through these actions can decrease weight 35-60 percent in 12 months.

Unlike the gastric temporary binding, gastric by-pass is permanent, the doctor will make a 'road' connecting the base of the stomach with the small intestine so that food through the stomach but not directly into the small intestine. With gastric by-pass, weight loss can be reduced to 80 percent. To perform these two types of action, patients should be aged over 35 years.


Until now acupuncture method can not be scientifically proven to lose weight. Generally, the patients had stopped in the middle of the road because never get the ideal weight expected.

Drugs and supplements slimming

Prior to believe by the lure of advertising, you should first thoroughly content drugs and supplements. Drug control agencies and the U.S. food (FDA) even forbade the consumption of slimming supplements that contain ingredients or ephedrine active E.sinica having symptoms of psychiatric side effects, interfere with the gastrointestinal tract and makes the heart pounding.

Although mentioned can reduce fat levels, not a slimming drug is only able to reduce body weight 1.2 kg for 6-14 weeks, equivalent to low calorie diet for 1250/day at 0.5 week period without any medication.

Popular diet

Popular diets often called "Fad Diets", a characteristic of other promising rapid weight reduction, can cure diseases, recommends the use of supplements, eating on time, limit or prohibit certain foods and only for a period of view.

Which can be classified into fad diets such as low-carb diet, food combining, diet based on blood type, mayo clinic diet. Because of the prohibition to eat certain foods, usually nutrients the body needs not being met because of lack of vitamins, iron, and fiber.

In terms of nutrition, each meal (morning, afternoon and evening) is recommended to eat foods that vary in the amount of balance, because the body needs various nutrients as well.

Lose weight in a healthy

Although no definitive answer which diet best for weight loss, but dr. John recommended dietary patterns conducted by the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) in the United States. NWCR is a collection of the data (there are 4000 people) who have lost weight over 13 kg and persisted for more than 5 years.

Characteristic diet is low in fat (24 percent of calorie intake), intake of high carbohydrate, low-calorie (1300-1500 kcal / day). Because we can not know how many calories are contained in food, dr.Johanes suggested to reduce intake is smaller than normal portions.

"To reduce 500 calories a day easily, for example, if eating gado-gado, peanut sauce and reduce, prefer white rice instead of fried rice, and so on", the suggestion that doctors who practice in hospitals. St.Boromeus, Bandung.

Explained by dr.Johanes, the majority of the members listed in NWCR doing breakfast on a regular basis, monitor their own weight and doing regular exercise. With low-fat diet is low in calories such as these have proven to be able to lose weight more than 13 kg and can be maintained for more than 5 years.


Strength Male In Orgasm

You including multi orgasm male? You know a man who can reach five to six times within an hour of ejaculation. How could you? Here's a case like this could happen in three situations:

First, after a long absence of sexual contact, such as two or three months. Break the time interval becomes shorter sexual reflexes. After ejaculation, erection can happen again in five minutes. Nevertheless this is a situation that rarely happens.

Second, in conditions of strong sexual arousal, could have been longer erection and ejaculation occurred several times in an hour. When having sex the first time or with a very exciting women, men usually develop the ability to ejaculate significantly. This will also disappear over time when the level of sexual pleasure and the situation became normal.

Third, the work of the sensational male orgasms is something that most frequently used, ie, hope of a higher man in organ function than genitalnya. This fragile structure is controlled by complex mechanisms oriented to quality, not quantity.

Intercourse is not a race. For a man who likes to compete in all areas of life, difficult to accept sex as it is. For example, you intercourse two times a week and each one reach ejaculation one time. By comparison, you feel less. You do not realize that your sexual life is normal and natural. So, the problem is trust.

Exceeds all human endeavor, male sexuality is a game of trust. The rule is, "If you think you can, you certainly can". Erection easily lost because of the noise suddenly, the words of innuendo, and even rejection can destroy the look of it all.

This is one of the most shameful aspects and not fun. Ninety-five percent of male genitalia just react well when not needed. Come to think further, the organ as if afraid of dealing with female genital. Fear and ability are equally important issue for male erectile organs.

Increase male sex drive

Decreased sex drive do not worry and go to the doctor's sex. Try to change the pattern associated with using the tools of the sex shop sex devices, such as fur, books, rings and movies ...

Recognized by john, architects, since the stimulus using the tool, the more beautiful sex relationships. Unlike last month, flat with no passion, sex limited liability. Since reading an article about sex tool of men's magazines and sex shops, he began to change the style. Unmitigated, john wrapped his penis with a feather, causing a double stimulation, from feathers and from the penis. As a result the wife quickly easily aroused and orgasm. Not only that, he also changed the pattern of movement, in accordance with the instrument used stimulants. Since using sex toys from online sex, level of perceived sexual enjoyment john higher. John now can keep up her strength. No more words to lose. Minimal balanced, both reached the peak of pleasure. "My wife never complained again. He's always smiling every after intercourse. Not only that, each time having sex, I always make sexual fantasy that has not been done, so find a new hat. It makes us want to continue to sexual intercourse," he said.

The use of stimulant aids online sex toys are not just used by john. Sex tool sex tool store is also used by hundreds, even thousands of men. In science Seksologi, the use of sex aids sex store long-standing. Even more unique, sex toys from online sex evolved in accordance with technological and cultural development of sex. Technology has changed the style of human sex became more varied. For example in the Kayan, Japan, in order to satisfy your partner, some men are willing to drill the head of the penis and insert coral beneath the skin of the penis. Unlike in China, the bamboo curtain country men are more happy to tie around the penis with a thin skin so that the penis increases. In other sex culture, there are some men who wear rings made of feathers or a goat eyelid, which is installed in penile curvature. It is also common in Europe. British men, French, German and other European countries more often use condoms, vibrators, extend the penis, and online sex toys penis substitute was modern. Almost the same life style, sex also has a pattern by everyone.
Increase male sex drive

Technically, sexual arousal between men and women is somewhat different. Men are more easily aroused than women. In addition to the organ factors, cultural factors also influence women's sexual response. Women tend to give sexual response to the cues and signals that contain the atmosphere of warmth, intimacy, caring and soothing voice. This condition can be obtained if the spouse give comfort, safety and responsibility. Increased stimulation often associated with women's social status and financial maturity of a man. Unlike a man, they do not have social and financial status is. By looking at the physical beauty, eroticism and sensuality, he immediately aroused without exception, with anyone.

Many hat that can trigger stimulus, one's imagination. In addition to imagination, touch the erotic places such as breast, ears, neck, buttocks and vagina can also provoke sexual stimulation. So did the show and the painting section. People turned on because there is a stimulus, people will not be aroused when there is no stimulation.

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