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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Strength Male In Orgasm

You including multi orgasm male? You know a man who can reach five to six times within an hour of ejaculation. How could you? Here's a case like this could happen in three situations:

First, after a long absence of sexual contact, such as two or three months. Break the time interval becomes shorter sexual reflexes. After ejaculation, erection can happen again in five minutes. Nevertheless this is a situation that rarely happens.

Second, in conditions of strong sexual arousal, could have been longer erection and ejaculation occurred several times in an hour. When having sex the first time or with a very exciting women, men usually develop the ability to ejaculate significantly. This will also disappear over time when the level of sexual pleasure and the situation became normal.

Third, the work of the sensational male orgasms is something that most frequently used, ie, hope of a higher man in organ function than genitalnya. This fragile structure is controlled by complex mechanisms oriented to quality, not quantity.

Intercourse is not a race. For a man who likes to compete in all areas of life, difficult to accept sex as it is. For example, you intercourse two times a week and each one reach ejaculation one time. By comparison, you feel less. You do not realize that your sexual life is normal and natural. So, the problem is trust.

Exceeds all human endeavor, male sexuality is a game of trust. The rule is, "If you think you can, you certainly can". Erection easily lost because of the noise suddenly, the words of innuendo, and even rejection can destroy the look of it all.

This is one of the most shameful aspects and not fun. Ninety-five percent of male genitalia just react well when not needed. Come to think further, the organ as if afraid of dealing with female genital. Fear and ability are equally important issue for male erectile organs.

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