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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Increase male sex drive

Decreased sex drive do not worry and go to the doctor's sex. Try to change the pattern associated with using the tools of the sex shop sex devices, such as fur, books, rings and movies ...

Recognized by john, architects, since the stimulus using the tool, the more beautiful sex relationships. Unlike last month, flat with no passion, sex limited liability. Since reading an article about sex tool of men's magazines and sex shops, he began to change the style. Unmitigated, john wrapped his penis with a feather, causing a double stimulation, from feathers and from the penis. As a result the wife quickly easily aroused and orgasm. Not only that, he also changed the pattern of movement, in accordance with the instrument used stimulants. Since using sex toys from online sex, level of perceived sexual enjoyment john higher. John now can keep up her strength. No more words to lose. Minimal balanced, both reached the peak of pleasure. "My wife never complained again. He's always smiling every after intercourse. Not only that, each time having sex, I always make sexual fantasy that has not been done, so find a new hat. It makes us want to continue to sexual intercourse," he said.

The use of stimulant aids online sex toys are not just used by john. Sex tool sex tool store is also used by hundreds, even thousands of men. In science Seksologi, the use of sex aids sex store long-standing. Even more unique, sex toys from online sex evolved in accordance with technological and cultural development of sex. Technology has changed the style of human sex became more varied. For example in the Kayan, Japan, in order to satisfy your partner, some men are willing to drill the head of the penis and insert coral beneath the skin of the penis. Unlike in China, the bamboo curtain country men are more happy to tie around the penis with a thin skin so that the penis increases. In other sex culture, there are some men who wear rings made of feathers or a goat eyelid, which is installed in penile curvature. It is also common in Europe. British men, French, German and other European countries more often use condoms, vibrators, extend the penis, and online sex toys penis substitute was modern. Almost the same life style, sex also has a pattern by everyone.
Increase male sex drive

Technically, sexual arousal between men and women is somewhat different. Men are more easily aroused than women. In addition to the organ factors, cultural factors also influence women's sexual response. Women tend to give sexual response to the cues and signals that contain the atmosphere of warmth, intimacy, caring and soothing voice. This condition can be obtained if the spouse give comfort, safety and responsibility. Increased stimulation often associated with women's social status and financial maturity of a man. Unlike a man, they do not have social and financial status is. By looking at the physical beauty, eroticism and sensuality, he immediately aroused without exception, with anyone.

Many hat that can trigger stimulus, one's imagination. In addition to imagination, touch the erotic places such as breast, ears, neck, buttocks and vagina can also provoke sexual stimulation. So did the show and the painting section. People turned on because there is a stimulus, people will not be aroused when there is no stimulation.


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